Manifesto on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by Malone Consultants Group

We are committed to building an inclusive culture through our words, actions, content, and coaching styles so that staff and clients can bring their authentic, whole selves and experience a true sense of belonging and support.

Malone Consultants Group is a collaborative team of coaches, speakers, facilitators, leaders, and practitioners who are passionate about people and transformation. We believe it is imperative to build up a community of leaders who come from diverse backgrounds and who hold different interests and goals.

We understand that “diversity, equity, and inclusion” is not a problem to be solved, but rather an ongoing journey (with lots of failures and successes) towards supporting systemic change in life and business through coaching practices that result in the growth of inclusive, ethical, and equitable practices.

The MCG culture reflects the diversity of the world we serve in and below are the steps we take to ensure we are walking the walk, not just talking the talk.

  • We provide equitable coaching opportunities and leadership resources that are accessible and culturally competent. 

  • We are intentional about collaborating and partnering with equity aware organizations, professional groups, vendors, and businesses through careful evaluation, engagement agreements, and tangible results. 

  • We explore and address underlying, unquestioned assumptions and judgments that interfere with inclusiveness in all our interactions. We challenge systems, coaching practices, and policies that create inequity, oppression, and disparity.

  • We acknowledge and actively dismantle any inequalities within our programs, policies and procedures, and services. This includes advocacy for thinking and supporting action about how systemic inequities impact our communities and the clients we serve.

  • We prompt thoughtful inquiry, dialogue, education, awareness, and tangible actions that are pivotal to a more equitable and inclusive society.

  • We commit time and resources to expand a more diverse leadership with our staff (coaches, speakers, facilitators, leaders, practitioners, and employees), clients, and collaborative partners.

  • We fully understand and commit to embracing the reality that intention does not erase impact. We actively acknowledge and do better when we harm another human or group with our thoughts, words, and actions. 

Join us in this commitment to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in your life and business. If you’re struggling to figure out how, we can help. Reach today for a consultation.